• August 16, 2022
  • clalinda72
  • 0

Habits are settled tendency of behavior according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. They are characterized by frequent repetition and sometimes becomes nearly or completely involuntary. According to this definition, there are a few keywords that catches my attention. Firstly, behavior patterns, then frequent repetition and finally involuntary. Habits are one thing humans cannot live without. Even lower animals have their own habits that characterizes their existence. This implies that habits are a part of us.

Interestingly, our immediate environments are key players in the habits we develop right from childhood. For instance, our daily activities are a set of routines. There are things we are trained to do effortlessly without thinking about them. Once you wake up in the morning, there are activities you do, like brushing, bathing, eating, and getting ready for work. Because of how repetitive these behaviors have been for you; you have developed a firmly entrenched habit. From this example, the three keywords that caught my attention in the dictionary explanation are all at play here. There is a behavior pattern, repetition, and involuntary action. This gives us the foundations of forming a habit.

Life don’t just happen to anyone. Our choices and habits mold our lives. If you have the habit of making the right choices, you will experience a smooth and joyous life.

Habits are more of a mental experience according to psychologist. Sometimes, it is unknown to people because once you establish it, you do not need any self-analysis to execute such habits. They come naturally and you go about your executions without any stress. Albeit it is important to know that habits are not always positive. There are both negative and positive habits. Negative habits yield negative results and positive habits yield positive results. Besides, if you look around you, there is evidence that the happenings around you; be it positive or negative were influenced one way or the other by the kind of habits you have.

Life don’t just happen to anyone. Our choices and habits mold our lives. If you have the habit of making the right choices, you will experience a smooth and joyous life. Even so, if you are in the habit of making bad choices, you might have a miserable life. The interesting thing about habits is that it is never too late to develop a positive habit or change a negative one to a positive one.

Someone might be wondering where I am going with all the explanations. The truth is the birth of a new year is here. Almost everyone inhabiting earth have some form of goal to achieve. It might be career related, health, education, recreational or business. Overtime, setting goals for a new year have become habitual. It has become like a ritual that everyone embarks on without necessarily putting in effort to achieve them. Because the setting of the goals is the habit and not its achievement, at the end of every year, people look back and feel like a failure.

Well, it’s a new year again and I want to remind you that you can’t have the same habits and attitudes towards the year and expect to achieve a different result at the end of the year. You can start putting in the effort to develop new and successful habits. The year is still young and there is a lot of energy and motivation. As the year progresses, challenges will starts creeping in. If you start now, there is a tendency that you will fully establish the habit before the hurdles come. With that, irrespective of the situations that comes up, you will look back during the end of the year and glory in your achievements. Let’s start the year right!!!

Read some of our other posts Fuel for motivation, Staying Motivated, My greatest enemy, Communication. Kindly leave your thoughts, comments and feedback regarding our posts. Also, feel free to suggest topics that can help you in your personal growth journey. We are always open to suggestions.

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” Life don’t just happen to anyone. Our choices and habits mold our lives. If you have the habit of making the right choices, you will experience a smooth and joyous life.”

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